Ava Max On Mental Health and Friendship


Well, I was homeschooled in high school and it was really difficult for me to meet people. And I went to high school just for one year- to public school. I remember walking in the first or second day and I had a pb&j sandwich and I went to the bathroom to eat. Because I didn't want to be seen. I felt like people were laughing at me. I was the new girl. And who wants to be friends with the new girl? I had to do my own thing- I started writing songs, I just got in my own little cocoon. I come from an Albanian family where we share all of our emotions and it's taught me to really be helpful and reach out to someone if they're not like that. To say, 'hey I know you're feeling bad about this thing but don't put yourself down. You can't just focus on that one moment. I would tell my friends and cousins that when I saw they were down and didn't want to talk about their emotions Because I think it's super important to talk with somebody. And seek help when you're not feeling mentally there. Cuz we've all been there and it's normal. I think it's important to know we all have challenges in our life. We all have problems in our life We all go through ups and downs every single day. It's not out of the ordinary- we all feel down sometimes. I had a friend, she got her heartbroken and she was hurting herself mentally and not leaving her room. She just felt so down after this break up. It wasn't healthy. So I went inside her room, turned on the lights And was like, 'we're going shopping.' I think it's important to help people when you see they're down. It doesn't have to be shopping it could be going to watch a movie with a friend or taking your friend out to dinner Or taking your friend out for a walk to talk. You can really help a lot of people just by knocking on their door And seeing how they are- a text like, 'hey how are you doing?' Make it about them. Reach out. I know I keep saying this but it's so important. If you think your friend is struggling with mental health- reach out and start a conversation. For more tips visit Seizetheawkward.org