Learn the Signs

Concerned about a friend?

You might not be certain your friend is displaying worrisome signs regarding their mental health. Here are a few signs to look for as a guide:

  • Impulsive behaviors or being more irritated than usual
  • Not functioning like their usual selves (i.e., change in habits of how they dress, general appearance, eating or sleep habits)
  • Talking about feelings of loneliness or despair
  • Excessive worry
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Substance misuse


They don’t feel like hanging out as much


Their mind seems to be somewhere else


They are so anxious they can’t relax


They’ve gotten negative about life


They’re not acting like themselves and are more irritable than usual


They are taking more risks than usual


They talk about feeling hopeless


They’re taking more drugs or drinking more


They are harming themselves

Notice the warning signs online

While you might hang out with your friends a lot, the reality is that you're not always physically with them. While texting, group chats, and DMs can be common forms of keeping in touch, they can cloud any evidence of concerning body language or tone you would typically see hanging out in person. So how do you know if something is off?

Keep an eye out for these signs that could indicate your friend is struggling with their mental health:

  • Posting captions, hashtags, or emojis that are overtly sad or negative- they go beyond sarcastic jokes.
  • Liking posts or following accounts that promote negative behaviors– even if they aren’t sharing it to their feeds.
  • Writing posts or comments that show impulsive behavior, irritability, hostility, or indicate insomnia.

Whether it’s on social media, in group chats, or during a hangout – if you suspect your friend is struggling, trust your gut.